As cold and flu season looms, office administrators face the challenge of balancing productivity and employee health. Maintaining a clean workspace is crucial, as viruses like the flu can linger on surfaces. Regular cleaning, especially of high-touch areas, helps curb the spread of infections.

Ron Keys, President at Do It Right Cleaning, stresses that office cleanliness directly impacts team well-being. Employee education is vital, emphasizing regular handwashing, sanitizer use, and respiratory hygiene. Sharing best practices fosters a collective responsibility for a healthy environment.

Deep cleaning sessions are essential during peak illness seasons, ensuring thorough sanitization, including overlooked areas. Adjusting cleaning routines, especially in high-traffic areas, shared equipment spaces, and break rooms, helps optimize efforts.

A clean workspace offers not just health benefits but also boosts morale, reduces sick days, and creates a positive brand image. Consider these measures to ensure a healthy and productive office environment.

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